Let me guess you want your business to feel like:

  • Clients who are ready and willing to pay high ticket approach me ALL THE TIME

  • Money flows to me constantly

  • I'm standing out as the obvious person to buy from

  • I feel so powerful and abundant when I am showing up for my business

  • My energy is magnetic


2024 is the year where I am speaking events, travelling, attracting new unexpected connections and networking opportunities are coming into my life all the time…


The mini-mind for ambitious female entrepreneurs who are ready to subconsciously POWER UP to their next financial level.

Here is what you get :

  • 4 In depth Subconscious Calls

  • 6 Hypnotherapy Tracks to Support the Breakthroughs

  • 4 Life Changing Subconscious Breakthroughs

Let's Dive In.

  • SESSION ONE : Your Next Level Wealth

    Unlocking your subconscious doors to seeing your bank account in overflow as we unravel and reshape your subconscious beliefs to hold the next energetic maximum in your bank account.

  • SESSION TWO : Your Next Level Capacity

    Expanding your capacity to hold an overflow of high-caliber clients in a multitude of containers. Dive into your subconscious, unlocking the gates to abundance and inviting a constant flow of incredible clients. You will be creating epic experiences and profound transformations while fiercely holding your own damn boundaries.

  • SESSION THREE : Your Next Level Energy

    The focus : bringing your power online with unapologetic intensity. I will be propelling you into a state of boldness, where you declare what you want and play bigger than ever before. Embody your transformation and radiate a magnetic energy that draws in your ideal clients.

  • SESSION FOUR : Your Next Level CEO

    The grand finale, you leading the way, becoming the game changer, and creating the safety to craft a business that reflects your bold vision. Dive into the depths of your subconscious to master the trailblazing CEO mindset. Seize the reins, shape the narrative, and set the pace.

Look deep down you feel that you're meant for something greater, yet find yourself holding back out of fear and self-doubt. 

Going into 2023 you told yourself THIS would be the year you made bigger moves.

  • Becoming a sought after speaking intentionally

  • Launching a High Ticket Mastermind

  • Hiring a team

  • Or taking that holiday you’ve been wanting to go on for ages...

But here we are, 2024 and those big goals you set… are still just sitting on your vision board and you feel stuck in the same place as before.

Your problem isn’t that you don’t have big ambitions…

The truth is, your goals are so big that they scare you.

They push you out of your comfort zone and challenge you to step into the highest version of yourself, but you’re struggling to make that leap on your own.

  • You keep waiting for the “perfect” moment, for everything to align before you make a move.

  • You find yourself fearing failure, and some days, even fearing success.

  • Your self-doubt holds you back from taking action, and those goals just continue to be a dream.

  • You fall back into old habits that feel safe

But let me remind you

But let me remind you

You are capable, and you are meant for greatness, and those big audacious goals you have - we will make them happen, if you are willing to grow.

2024 is going to be the year of big moves for you. But it requires a shift in your subconscious and a commitment to step outside your comfort zone, which is exactly what I help you with inside POWER UP the mini mind.

Inside my world…

Your doubt will no longer define you, those big goals will no longer scare you and I won’t let your limiting beliefs stand in the way of your ability to move.

I will push you further than you ever thought possible.

It’s time to step into the CEO you are meant to be and finally take action on the big goals you set out to achieve.

2024 is YOUR era of growth.