& you are here to be ICONIC, and powerhouse it's time.

You are on the edge of an even more aligned powerful version of yourself.

You are ready to embody this through your brand becoming a celebrity in your niche.

You are here to be seen, you are here to be known, you are here for impact, you are here to have people talking about you, raving about you, spreading the news about you.

& you are here to be ICONIC, and powerhouse it's time.

Welcome to

The 5 month subconscious strategy mastermind where you get to grow your business to multi-six figures, whilst holding more impact, more ALIVENESS, more freedom and make a f**k tonne of money whilst doing it.

Ok, listen up...

I absolutely adore you, but I don’t want to see all that untapped potential inside your beautiful mind go to waste.

Right now...

You know you can hit 7-figures, you know you can be recognised as an industry leading expert and sought-out speaker on a global stage but you be pressing “Yes I’m still watching” on Netflix when it’s 4pm and you haven’t even started checking off your playing bigger to-do list for the day yet.

You are ready to lead a movement that people want to be part of, have people share your work, be spoken about around the dinner table but the procrastination of buying yet another course to 'perfect' your strategy has just pinged on your banking app.

You crave to have the impact with your business, go against the grain, be the story of 'how the hell did she do that' but you are debilitated by fear of fully being seen, being able to handle it, not burning out, being able to hold it all.

“who do you think you are? kinda vibes.”

& whilst you’re cruising around just fine right now, you’ve started getting a little too comfortable and despite having BIG BOLD goals for the year - you’re holding back.

You’re telling yourself later, when you actually want it now.

You’re finding excuses to wait, when you crave bigger.

You’re showing up on a whim, when you desire structure.

I see you,

You move quickly. 
You go against the grain. 
You have never done the norm.
You push the boundaries. 
You make decisions that people wouldn’t dare to make. 
You follow your happiness.
You make hard choices. 
You know you are meant for big things...

How do I know? Because I am the same.

I am here to play big, I am here to be big and the evolution of my business has led me to a big life so far and it will only carry on growing.

I am here to play big, I am here to be big and

the evolution of my business has led me to a

big life so far and it will only carry on growing.

One thing that has been MONUMENTAL to my success is my brain🧠

Well, more specifically my subconscious mind and the intentionality in my strategy.

⚡️ It holds the belief in my dreams, 
⚡️ It holds the breakthroughs with my clients, 
⚡️ It holds my consistency with my strategy,
⚡️ It holds the power in my embodiment,
⚡️ It nourishes the wealth in my business, 
⚡️ It allows me to stretch myself daily. 

It is the CATALYST to my success and now it’s going to be yours.

Because here’s the deal:

Your business grows when you do, and that growth starts in the mind and your intentionality in your strategy.

Not through a journaling prompt you saw on Instagram.

Not through saying affirmations you don’t even full-body believe.

Not through listening to the hypnosis once that you downloaded from me.

But through deep subconscious reprogramming that actually rewires your mind and changes the way you think, act and SHOW UP for your business and the incredible life you’re wanting to build.

Imagine, just for a second, actually doing everything you've ever wanted to do.

Picture yourself executing those bold moves, taking those risks, and stepping into the greatness you know you're capable of…

Whilst other business coaches help you create a strategy, my mission is to calibrate you to a productive, action taking, activated CEO who shows up for their business at their fullest potential every single day despite whatever challenges or beliefs around your identity you have today. 

But this takes the calibration of you being the productive, action taking, activated CEO who shows up for their business at their fullest potential every single day despite whatever challenges or beliefs around your identity you have today. 

All those things you wish you would just do… I will get you to do them.

Not because I tell you what to do, but because I reprogram your subconscious mind to effortlessly and easily start doing them through deep mindset work and hypnotherapy.

I’m basically hacking your system to catapult you into a productive, high performing and UNSTOPPABLE CEO.

LEAD the mastermind

So what's inside

The Logistics

  • • Weekly Mastermind Calls to tap into the iconic energy, ask questions, receive subconscious support and reprogramming and feedback from Rebecca.

  • • Community led slack to celebrate your wins, ask deep subconscious questions and be in the iconic energy of the other women becoming a celebrity in their niche.

  • • A portal of subconscious strategy trainings that craft powerful messaging, strategic positioning, heightened visibility, and compelling content that leaves a lasting impression on your ideal clients around the world.

The Movement

  • More Impact

    Prepare for a surge in business growth as you tap into multi-six-figure revenue streams. Beyond financial success, your brand will transcend borders, gaining international acknowledgment. Ensuring that your authenticity shines through, fostering deeper connections with your dream ideal client and leaving a lasting impact on a global scale.

  • More Iconic

    We are setting the stage for you to become a captivating and influential leader, resulting in a noticeable increase in your brand's recognition and authority. People will not only see you but also look up to you as a celebrity in your niche, fostering engagement and conversations that establish your presence as a force to be reckoned with in your industry.

  • More Wealth

    Reprogramming your subconscious for abundance magnetism. We are welcoming a mindset that attracts wealth effortlessly. Strategic decision-making is enhanced at a subconscious level, empowering you to make choices that propel your business forward and translate goals into tangible financial success. Anticipate a significant increase in your business's financial success, with the manifestation of wealth becoming a natural byproduct. Clients and opportunities will flow effortlessly, and your business will be positioned for sustainable growth.

  • More Freedom

    You'll not only witness increased recognition and authority in your industry but also experience a transformative shift in how you live your life outside of your business. Expect a sense of liberation as you cultivate a lifestyle that aligns with your values, allowing you to enjoy the rewards of your success without compromising your freedom and personal well-being.

  • I've designed this mastermind to go beyond traditional business coaching by placing a significant emphasis on deep subconscious reprogramming. While many programs focus solely on strategies, I believe that true success begins in the mind. My unique approach combines mindset work and hypnotherapy to create lasting transformations that propel you to become an influential, high-performing CEO

  • Absolutely! If you've been running an established business, generating sales, but currently feel unaligned or stagnant despite trying multiple strategies, this mastermind is precisely designed to address your situation. The subconscious shifts and strategic alignment explored in each module are crafted to breathe new life into your business. Whether you're seeking a fresh perspective, looking to reignite your passion, or aiming to break through a plateau, the program is tailored to empower entrepreneurs like you with the tools and mindset needed to propel your business to new heights.

  • Results vary from individual to individual, but many clients report noticeable shifts in mindset and behaviour within the first few weeks of the my containers. The transformative effects continue to unfold throughout the mastermind, creating a foundation for long-term success.

  • Yes, I've designed this mastermind to be adaptable to various niches and industries. The principles of deep subconscious reprogramming, impactful leadership, and aligned strategy are universal, making the program relevant and beneficial for entrepreneurs across diverse fields.

  • Live sessions provide an opportunity for real-time interaction, Q&A, and deeper exploration. While I highly encourage attendance for the full mastermind experience, sessions are recorded for those unable to join live. The flexibility ensures that you can benefit from the content whether participating in real-time or catching up at your convenience.